COSAC Annual Issues in Autism Conference

The Gold Member and Friends luncheon, which attracted more than 80 guests, featured remarks by Eric Solberg, PhD., BCBA, Vice President of COSAC’s Board of Trustees, who updated the group on COSAC’s strategic plan and upcoming name change. Sibling Essay Winners were also announced at the Gold Member Lunch.  Lauren Calabrese, Alex Patrick and Patrick Fasano read their winning essays to the group. To learn more about the sibling essay contest and to read the winning essays, click here.

For the second year in a row, COSAC Executive Director Linda Meyer was assisted by EPIC Clinical Director Lori Bechner, MA, BCBA, in chairing the Poster committee. COSAC offered professional development credit for poster session presenters. The Quest AutismFoundation presented The Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center and Suzannah J. Ferraioli, Nathan Lambright, Todd Frischmann, Kristine Bolanowski and Robert H. LaRue with an award for the best presentation addressing adult issues. Their respective poster was entitled, “”Functional Communications Training to Address Multiple Operant Challenging Behavior.””

” “For the second year in a row, COSAC Executive Director Linda Meyer was assisted by EPIC Clinical Director Lori Bechner, MA, BCBA, in chairing the Poster committee. COSAC offered professional development credit for poster session presenters. The Quest AutismFoundation presented The Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center and Suzannah J. Ferraioli, Nathan Lambright, Todd Frischmann, Kristine Bolanowski and Robert H. LaRue with an award for the best presentation addressing adult issues. Their respective poster was entitled, “”Functional Communications Training to Address Multiple Operant Challenging Behavior.””” “

Best Adult Workshop

The Quest Autism Foundation presented The Princeton Child Development Institute (PCDI) and Kara Reagon, M.Ed., Josh Mosh MacDuff, Jaime MacDuff and Gregory S. MacDuff, Ph.D. with the award for Best Adult Workshop for their presentation, “”Teaching Adults with Autism Independent Daily and Recreational Skills Using Activity Schedules.””

The Quest Autism Foundation presented The Princeton Child Development Institute (PCDI) and Kara Reagon, M.Ed., Josh Mosh MacDuff, Jaime MacDuff and Gregory S. MacDuff, Ph.D. with the award for Best Adult Workshop for their presentation, “Teaching Adults with Autism Independent Daily and Recreational Skills Using Activity Schedules.”